Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Second Phase of Testing: Initial Possum Progress


Our initial data gathering process for the second phase of data collection is progressing and we are currently preparing for a major push with regards to the locations that we are using.    At the first of these sites we are seeing interaction with the lures as evidenced from examples such as the recent one shown left (in this example the lure is immediately to the left of the Timms trap, wih the solar panel clearly in view).    Where-as we previously were questioning the ability of the Timms trap to activate this have proven to not be the case at this location as we have seen several activations with the trap being sprung, three of which have occurred at the sound lure location and one at the non sound lure location.   Again we do not wish to pre-empt the data being collected but we are seeing a pattern that appears to be repeating itself as shown elsewhere in testing where there is heightened activitiy with the sound lure location, including possums interacting directly with the speaker or the lure.   

This includes the barn instance previously shown here where a brush tailed possum active in the area has gone into a barn location where a sound lure has been activating indoors, inspected the lure and then activated a Timms possum trap.   

We are also running lure trials focussing on stoats, with the help of Bryan and our friends at Feral Control, which is being conducted with units supplied and funded by Fonterra.     

We are awaiting these results but we have already had evidence of significant possum activity targetting the units as they have been discharging noise.   This compliments the work that we have done at numerous locations as brush tailed possums have approached the boxes, interacted with them including setting them off and attempting to enter them etc.   

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Robotic Arm Prototype

We are experimenting and looking closely at recent results from various trials taking place in our region.  One of the key issues that we want to address is attracting stoats towards a DOC 200.   We have key evidence to show that Possums will come to various noises at night, as will rats to rat boxes, but we want to target stoats using some form of attractant.    we have had an idea suggested to us to use a robotic arm, which is shown in the video below.

This idea is at a very basic stage and there are obvious challenges ahead - if we place the arm outside of the confines of a DOC 200 we suspect strongly that possums will target the unit.  Evidence has shown them interacting directly with the speakers, wires and the units - we would think they would like the movement aspect of the design very much.   We will start running tests with this version of the unit shorlty and be updating and posting the results here on this blog.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Brush Tailed Possum: Phase Two Start

These images and the resulting capture have occurred in the first days of our new phase of testing.  As part of this process at one of the data gathering locations the sound lure has been placed next to a Timms trap, inside a barn, where there has been possum activity noted with the possums entering the barn.   In this instance there was initial activity prior to these activations from a possum which entered the barn and investigated the set up, which occurred at 9:40pm-10:00pm, during this time the sound lure was activating repeatedly and the possum remained in the vicinity of the lure.    Another series of activations occurred at 1:47am.   This time the interactions between a brush tailed possum and the unit was more detailed and obvious, in the above picture the possum can be clearly seen sniffing the speaker, before inspecting the unit itself in the picture below.   

The unit continues to activate and the possum then circles around the set up, before interacting with and activating the Timms possum trap, in a text book capture.

The other incident that is relevant is that other creatures are already showing indications that the auido track playing is proving of interest to them.   While the current audio tracks in use are focussed on brush tailed possums in terms of output there have been instances here in the barn location of cats showing an interest in what is happening and investigating the sound.  This is also occurring as feral cats have been scenting the rat box and investigating the set up location (this audio has been featuring rat and rat related noises).

Left: The cat can be clearly seen entering the frame on the left of the picture in a stance that shows interest.

Friday, 5 March 2021

Phase Two: Data Gathering/Stoat Project Launch


We are now moving into our second significant data recording phase based around our sound lure work.

We have started the process of collecting data on three seperate farms spread about South Taranaki.  At each of these locations we are running sound lures in conjunction with trail camers to monitor activity and at the same farm, in a distinctly different location we are placing trail cameras so that allows us a point of difference between the two sites to answer the question whether or not the sound lure are making a difference to encouraging the numbers of possums that are in the area.   

We are also very excited by the fact that we are also starting our stoat trial, using a version of the sound lure which is focussed on attracting mustlelids to speciifc traps.   This is being run for us by Feral Control Taranaki.   We have been fortunate to receive the support of Fonterra Kapuni, and Fonterra Group in general to allow this trial to go ahead.  It is being conducted in South Taranaki independant of our own data gather process to test the viability of the units in another setting and to apply the technology to animals that we have not been able to specifically target at great lengths as we focus on possums for the Curious Minds/Venture Taranaki data gathering.

We will be updating the data from both of these projects on this blog as it becomes available.

We are going to be conducting further testing on new versions of the base unit which are focussed on light (with rainbow LEDs) and movement - with a small motor both of which that will be activated by the base unit at the same time that the sound is activated.  We will be posting details of these developments shortly.